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Holiday Party on Ice with Ice Dance International

Holiday Party on Ice with Ice Dance International

Sat - December 16, 2023
3:30 PM - 6:30 PM
The Spruce Peak Ice Rink

Start off the holiday season with a magical performance by Ice Dance International on the Spruce Peak Ice Rink. 

This performance is a part of the Spruce Peak Lights' Festival.

Featuring Special Guest: Ryan Bradley

Ryan is a founding Ice Dance International cast member and has starred in many productions across the world including Stars on Ice, Disson television shows and Scott Hamilton events. He is the 2008 Skate Canada International silver medalist, the 2009 Skate America bronze medalist, the 2011 U.S. national champion, and a three-time U.S. Collegiate champion.

Featuring Special Guest: Alissa Czisny

Special Guest Alissa Czisny is a two-time U.S. national champion, Grand Prix Final champion, two- time Skate Canada champion, and Skate America champion. She has been a Ice Dance International company member since 2017.

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